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Me and Mamahood

Me and Mamahood helps mothers improve and nurture their mental health and wellbeing so they can thrive in motherhood.

I empower and equip mothers with the knowledge and skills to enhance and maintain their own wellbeing. The benefits of this inevitably disperses through the family; enhancing the wellbeing and harmony of within the home.

Me and mamahood supports mothers in any part of their motherhood journey from preconception - postpartum and mothers who have experienced loss.


Every mama has a story to tell - I'm here to listen.



Online coaching & counselling

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1:1 coaching & counselling


I’ve just moved to Australia from the UK, navigating a new health care system in my third trimester has been confusing and stressful. Recently, something came up in my pregnancy which led to me feeling enormous pressure from midwives and obstetricians to make a hasty decision about how I might birth my baby.


During this emotional roller-coaster, Mel was a guiding light. Her firsthand experience of navigating maternal health care locally, along with her professional experience counselling and supporting soon-to-be, new and existing mums, meant I felt so safe and held as I expressed all my frustrations, disappointments and sadness at a critical time in my pregnancy. She compassionately held space, validated my feelings and experiences, coached me on how to slow down and take each decision one step at a time, and, vitally, she helped me give myself permission to just say “Ok, I’m going to sit with that information and process it.” 


Mel has a calmness and kindness about her presence that is unique and rare, and it makes her so expertly suited to do this work. Any woman would be so lucky to have her guidance and love during and after their pregnancy.                                     - S

Client  testimonial


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